Migra Well

Two Healthy Habits for Migraine Management

Fit and active attractive young woman drinking water after training outdoor


Hydration plays a pivotal role in migraine management. A 2020 study by Khorsha et al. found that increased water consumption was associated with reduced migraine disability, pain severity, frequency, and duration​. This suggests that ensuring adequate water intake, ideally around 2 liters daily, can be a simple yet effective strategy for those suffering from migraines. The theory behind this is that water intake may modulate CGRP levels, a peptide linked to migraine pathophysiology.

Food clock with fresh fruits and vegetables. Healthy food

Consistent Meal Patterns

Fluctuations in blood glucose levels can trigger migraines. Skipping meals can lead to these fluctuations, impacting brain glycogen levels and, consequently, migraine occurrence. So, maintaining stable glucose levels is essential for migraine prevention. So, develop consistent eating habits and have regular meals with a balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy snacks can prevent blood sugar spikes, reducing migraine triggers.

Products rich in fiber. Healthy diet food. Top view

Increase Fiber Intake

  • What to Eat: Incorporate more whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables into your meals. Foods like oats, barley, lentils, beans, apples, and berries are excellent sources of dietary fiber.
  • Action Steps: Start your day with a high-fiber breakfast, such as oatmeal with berries. Include a portion of vegetables with every meal and opt for whole grain versions of bread, rice, and pasta.
Blueberry, spinach and orange smoothie on a wooden white background. Glasses of smoothie with berry and mint. Berry, leaf and lime, raspberries on a table. Fruit Healthy food. Breakfast.

Adopt a High Polyphenol Diet

  • What to Eat: Focus on colorful fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Berries, spinach, kale, almonds, and dark chocolate are good sources of polyphenols.
  • Action Steps: Add a serving of berries to your breakfast, choose nuts as snacks, and use olive oil in salads and cooking.
Healthy food products which are rich source of Omega3 fats, healthy eating concept, blank space for a text, view from above

Eat Lean Proteins & Omega-3s

  • What to Eat: Emphasize fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Include other lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey, and plant-based proteins like tofu and lentils.
  • Action Steps: Have fish at least twice a week, and alternate between meat and plant-based proteins in other meals.
Green Goddess Buddha Bowl on wooden table. Healthy eating, food photography concept. Copyspace, horizontal

Consider DASH or Healthy Eating Plate

  • What to Follow: The DASH diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy. The Healthy Eating Plate (HEP) suggests filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with whole grains, and a quarter with protein.
  • Action Steps: Plan your meals according to these guidelines, ensuring balance and variety in your diet.
Vegan and vegetarian dried and fresh health food with fruit, vegetables, cereals, nuts, seeds, coffee, grains and herbs with super foods high in antioxidants, anthocyanins, dietary fibre and vitamins.

Eat Balanced Low Glycemic Diet

  • What to Eat: Choose foods that have a low glycemic index like whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and most fruits and vegetables.
  • Action Steps: Replace white bread and pasta with whole grain versions, snack on nuts and seeds, and choose fruits and vegetables over sugary snacks.

Limit Migraine Dietary Triggers: "A- Foods"

Curly fries fast food snack on wooden board with ketchup and glass of cola on kitchen background. Unhealthy junk food

Practical to Avoid

In your journey to manage migraines, some foods are best left on the store shelf. Additives/Enhancers like MSG, commonly found in fast food, and Artificial sweeteners in your favorite soda can provoke migraine episodes. Steering clear of these can steer you away from unnecessary pain.

Pouring red wine into the glass above the table set with grape cheese appetizers

Consider Trial Elimination

Tracking what you eat is like solving a mystery. Foods Aged with tyramine like certain cheeses and cured meats, Alcohol, and Amines found in chocolate and caffeine might be the culprits. A diary can be your detective notebook for identifying these sneaky triggers.

person injecting syringe

Lab Testing Based

Sometimes, the issue is hidden within. Allergens like gluten can ambush your well-being. A lab test can spotlight these Allergenic Sensitivities, helping you tailor a diet that keeps migraines at bay.

Remember, this is a personalized path, and what affects one may not affect another. Knowledge is your ally in this adventure. By following these guidelines,you can make dietary choices that may help in reducing the frequency and intensity of your symptoms. It may be beneficial to work with a healthcare provider or a dietitian to tailor these recommendations to personal needs.


  1. Khorsha F, Mirzababaei A, Togha M, Mirzaei K. (2020). Association of drinking water and migraine headache severity. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 77, 81-84. DOI:10.1016/j.jocn.2020.05.034.
  2. Dalkara T, Kılıç K. (2013). How Does Fasting Trigger Migraine? A Hypothesis. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 17(10). DOI:10.1007/s11916-013-0368-1.
  3. Huang H, He K. (2023). The association between dietary fiber intake and severe headaches or migraine in US adults. Frontiers in Nutrition.
  4. Ramsden CE, Zamora D, Makriyannis A, et al. (2020). Diet-induced changes in n-3 and n-6 derived endocannabinoids and reductions in headache pain and psychological distress. Journal of Pain.
  5. Altamura C, Cecchi G, Bravo M, et al. (2020). The Healthy Eating Plate Advice for Migraine Prevention: An Interventional Study. Nutrients.
  6. Evcili G, Utku U, Öğün MN, Özdemir G. (2018). Early and long period follow-up results of low glycemic index diet for migraine prophylaxis. Agrı.
  7. American Migraine Foundation. (2022). Diet and Migraine.