Migra Well
Reducing Sedentary Time

Reducing Sedentary Time

  1. Emphasize sitting less rather than just moving more.
  2. WHO recommends limiting sedentary time to less than 8 hours per day.
  3. Chronic inflammation from prolonged sitting may contribute to migraine pathogenesis.
Young healthy woman practicing yoga on the beach at sunset. Strong confidence woman under the sunset at seaside. Silhouette of young woman doing yoga on the beach.

Regular Exercise Routine

  1. Combine moderate aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening.
  2. Aim for 150-300 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75-150 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly.
  3. Include 2 days of muscle strengthening exercises.
  4. Intensity should be individually tailored.
Training legs in the gym. Attractive fit woman doing lunges with discs from the bar.

Strength Training

  1. A review of 21 clinical trials found strength training more effective than high-intensity aerobic exercise, topiramate, and amitriptyline in reducing migraines.
  2. Strength training helps increase and preserve lean muscle mass, linked to reduced migraine frequency.
  3. It addresses central sensitization common in pain syndromes.
  4. High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise:
High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise

High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise

  1. This can enhance exercise-mediated hypoalgesia (pain reduction), potentially beneficial for migraine management.
Hand of doctor reassuring her female patient

Collaborative Management

  1. Encourage collaboration between patients and healthcare providers for optimal exercise management.
  2. Lifestyle adjustments, including exercise, should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan.


  1. Anderson, Pauline. “Recommending exercise for migraine: Just do It.” Journal of Neurology Reviews, Jan. 2023.
  2. Haelle, Tara. “Moving more, sitting less vital for migraine patients.” Journal of Neurology Reviews, July 2021.
  3. Woldeamanuel, Y., & Oliveira, ABD. "Efficacy of aerobic exercise vs. strength training in the treatment of migraine." Journal of Headache and Pain, 2022.